August, 2020
UPCOMING! RadResponder Nationwide Drill: Recording Indoor Radiological Readings - August 11, 2020: The second Nationwide Drill of 2020, Recording Indoor Radiological Readings, will take place on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 from 1:00pm – 3:30pm EST. The goal of this drill is to complete a series of tasks related to the indoor monitoring capability in RadResponder. The indoor monitoring feature allows users to associate any data type with an indoor location using facility floor plans or building information, such as floor number, room number, etc. This drill will allow users to practice using the facilities and indoor monitoring feature in a simulated real-world scenario 100% remotely to follow all social distancing guidelines. For more information on the drill click here and to register for the drill, click here. Please note that while this is a RadResponder Nationwide Drill, the indoor monitoring capability is also available on ChemResponder.
Special Feature and Bonus Webinars Schedule: Take a look at all of the upcoming CBRNResponder Special Feature and Bonus Webinar topics and register using the links below:
- August 12 – Getting Started with CBRNResponder (New User Webinar): Register here
- August 18 – RadResponder Train the Trainer Program: Register here
- August 25 – Nuclear Power Plant Layers and Features: Register here
- September 9 – Unit Standardizations: Register here
- October 14 – Organization & Event Dashboards: Register here
- November 17 – Facility Management: Register here
For past webinars, check out our YouTube page to view the recordings and the Resource Library for the slide decks.
If you are interested in a training for your agency, please fill out our training request form. Requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis depending on funding (if in-person) and schedule availability.
New and Updated RadResponder
Ready Application: The updated RadResponderReady application is now available in the Resource Library. All organizations submitting their application after August 1, 2020 must use the updated application to be considered for the RadResponderReady status. For organizations that are already RadResponderReady, they must fill out and submit the addendum within one year (by August 1, 2021) to maintain their RadResponderReady status. If you are currently RadResponderReady, you should have received a direct email from the RadResponder team notifying you of these changes and requirements on Friday, July 31st. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at
Remote Training Requests:
The RadResponder and ChemResponder Team frequently travel to conduct trainings for state, local, tribal, and territorial organizations at no cost, however, with the travel restrictions put in place due to COVID-19, we would like to extend the in-person training request form to those looking for remote trainings!
Most Recent Special Feature Webinar:
This is a recording of a live webinar that was delivered on July 15, 2020 as part of the RadResponder Special Feature Webinar Series. Part II of the Lab Analysis Capabilities Webinar focuses on the lab portal, electronic data deliverable (EDD) uploads, message board, assessment, and map features.
ChemResponder Integrated Equipment: Chemical detection equipment that telemeters data directly to an application minimizes human error and improves overall data quality. ChemResponder has developed an API to allow manufacturers to send readings collected by their equipment directly to ChemResponder. Equipment integrated with ChemResponder directly or via the manufacturer’s mobile application does not require data collectors to manually enter readings into a mobile device and reduces mistakes. For the full list of integrated equipment, please click here.
Midwest HAZMAT Conference:
The ChemResponder presentation from the Midwest HAZMAT Conference is available to watch on our YouTube page. Check it out!

July, 2014 - 2014 Annual HPS meeting in Baltimore, MD. John Anderson Sr. of Atlantic Nuclear receives his 50 Year Membership Award.
February 12, 2014 - Atlantic Nuclear attended the HPS mid-year meeting in Baton Rouge, LA, during the second week in February 2014. Many new products were on display in Ludlum’s large island booth for customer review. Health Physics meetings are a great place to meet old and new friends/customers. We look forward to the Annual Health Physics Meeting in Baltimore, MD meeting during the third week of July, 2014. More NEW PRODUCTS to view.
December 6, 2013 - John Anderson Sr. attended the RSNA at McCormick Place in Chicago, IL to represent Atlantic Nuclear and Ludlum Measurments. He writes:
After 40 years of attending RSNA meetings, my observation is that there has been a tremendous increase in capabilities of medical diagnostic equipment using computer technology for producing and measuring radiation.
Who could have imagined the products of today back in the 60’s and 70’s !
The number of vendor and customer attendees grew to a high in the late 90s and early 00’s. It is now down to the level of the 80’s or less probably due to the new efficiency of equipment , economy and decrease in need.
Everything in our world is in constant change for sure.
July 31, 2013 - We are in the process of redesigning our website. We welcome any comments or suggestions.
June 1, 2013 - Ashlee operates Ludlum Measurements equipment at a local science fair. She experimented with various shielding mediums and radiaiton sources. The purpose of the experiment was to indentify radiation in common household items and outdoor objects.