4525 Vehicle Monitoring Software

4525 dataviewer alarm 4525 dataviewer profile samples dataviewer alarm window 4525 software supervisor 4525 softare report summary

The base Model 4525 Series system includes vehicle monitoring software for the system control computer that can be used to monitor up to four separate Model 4525 Series configured systems (lanes) via an Ethernet or wireless connection. The software automatically collects and archives data from all available lanes, displays alarms, and generates reports. When equipped with optional cameras, the system can be configured to automatically capture images of vehicles passing through the system, either every vehicle or only those triggering an alarm, and store the images in the database.

The vehicle monitoring software has three main component programs:

Reporting Feature

Ludlum’s reporting feature accumulates the data, and sends you an easy-to-read report on a regular basis (weekly, monthly, or quarterly) about the activity during that time frame.

Reports include:

When you receive these reports on a regular basis, it’s easy to see when something changes, or when you need to address a training or hardware problem. You determine how often to get these reports, and you can also choose to have Ludlum technicians review the data for an additional fee.