Model 44-2
NaI Scintillation Probe
25.4 mm x 25.4 mm
Specifications 44-2 NaI Scintillation Probe

Indicated Use Low-level, wide-energy gamma detection
Detector Type NaI(Tl) scintillator, 2.5 cm (1 in) dia. x 2.5 cm (1 in) thick
Efficiency (4π) 125I: 7%
57Co: 10%
137Cs: 3%
60Co: 3%
Typical Sensitivity
(137Cs gamma) 175 cpm per μR/hr
Recommended Energy Range 20 keV to 1.5 MeV
Energy Response Energy dependent
Typical Background
(10 µR/hr field) 1800 cpm
Photomultiplier Tube 2.86 cm (1.123 in) diameter, magnetically shielded
Operating Voltage 500 to 1200 V
Temperature Range -15 to 50 °C (5 to 122 °F)
May be certified for -40 to 65 °C (-40 to 150 °F)
Environmental Rating IP65
Connector Series "C"
Construction Aluminum with beige powder coat
Size (D x L) 5.1 x 21 cm (2 x 8.25 in)
Weight 0.5 kg (1 lb)