Model 44-38 Energy Compensated G-M Probe
Features Rotary Beta Shield

The Model 44-38 is an energy compensated sidewall G-M detector with a rotary beta shield for general purpose survey.
Indicated Use Beta-gamma survey
Detector Type Halogen quenched GM, 30 to 45 mg/cm2 stainless steel wall
Detection Range
Without DTC*: ± 10% up to 50 mR/hr
With DTC*: ± 10% up to 500 mR/hr
Typical Sensitivity
(137Cs gamma) 1200 cpm per mR/hr with window closed
Energy Response
(60 keV - 1.3 MeV) Within 20% of 137Cs (662 keV)
Beta Cut Off Approximately 200 keV (window open)
Typical Background
(10 µR/hr field)
Closed: 20 cpm
Open: 25 cpm
Typical Dead Time 95 µs
Operating Voltage 900 V
Connector Series "C"
Body Construction Anodized aluminum housing
Window Construction Low Energy Blocking Shield: Tin shields mounted on aluminum (1353 mg/cm2) with solid aluminum section in the middle
Low Energy Pass-Through Window: Solid aluminum (610 mg/cm2)
Size (D x L) 3.3 x 16.5 cm (1.3 x 6.5 in)
Weight 0.5 kg (1 lb)