Model 44-92 Xenon probe

The Model 44-92 is a Xenon filled gas proportional detector for large area beta gamma survey.
Indicated Use Low-level beta-gamma survey
Detector Type Sealed, xenon gas proportional
Window 6.0 mg/cm2 titanium
Window Area Active:
169 cm2 (26.2 in2)
Open: 140 cm2 (21.7 in2)
Efficiency (4π)
14C: 10%
99Tc: 13%
36Cl: 24%
90Sr/90Y: 26%
129I: 3%
57Co: 1.6%
55Fe: 1.2%
239Pu: 10%
Construction Aluminum and brass
Counter Threshold Setting 1.5 mV (typical)
Typical Sensitivity 36,000 cpm per mR/hr (60Co gamma)
Operating Voltage 1600 to 1900 V (typical)
Connector Series "C"
Size (H x W x L) 8.6 x 11.9 x 24.6 cm (3.4 x 4.7 x 9.7)
Weight 0.6 kg (1.4 lb)