Capintec CRC-55t-r Dose Calibrator

- 8 in. color VGA touch screen display
- Single or optional second plug-and-play chamber capability
- Chamber can be placed 100 feet from the readout unit
- Bilingual (English/Spanish) Software
- On screen display of Nuclide Name, Number, Activity, Unit of Measure and Calibration Number
- Large character, high visibility display
- Over 80 Nuclides with half-lives in memory
- Full alpha numeric touchpad
- Built-in dose calibration, quality control and self diagnostics
- Automated QC including constancy and linearity programs
- Compatible with Nuclear Medicine Management Systems via USB
- Optional printer for full size NRC records and patient labels for syringes and vials.
- USB/PC communications
- Software upgrade via USB or flash drive
- USB printer capability
- Automated Geometry and Linearity Testing
- Capable of dual chambers
- Supports exchange of chambers with the CRC®-55tPET Dose Calibrator
- Chamber energy range: 15 keV to 3 MeV
The Capintec CRC-55tR Dose Calibrator calibrator’s design includes a menu driven, color touch screen interface that is easy to learn and use. The ion chamber is a high pressure chamber Capintec design capable of measuring a dose as high as 6 Ci (250 GBq) with high accuracy. Additional features such as USB/PC communications, printer capabilities, USB flash drive software upgrades and plug-and-play chamber make the CRC-55tR calibrator integral in improving your department’s efficiency. The unit features a large, easy-to-read display that indicates Nuclide Name, Number, Activity, Unit of Measure and Calibration Number.
Entering data through the custom touch screen interface is fast and includes 28 programmable keys. The user can choose from 80 nuclides by simply selecting the nuclide symbol on the touch screen interface. Other capabilities include storage of reference sources in memory that automatically decay correct for today’s time and date. Automated quality control tests and self- diagnostics are built-in with automatic zero and background subtraction making the CRC-55tR calibrator user-friendly. An optional printer enables the CRC-55tR unit to print full size records and patient tickets with peel off labels for vial and syringe identification.
Console Dimensions
- Height: 42 cm (9.5 in.)
- Width: 23 cm (9.0 in.)
- Depth: 27 cm (10.5 in.)
- Weight: 3.4 kg (7.5 lb)
Chamber Dimensions
- Height: 43.8 cm (17.25 in.)
- Diameter: 17.2 cm (6.76 in.)
- Weight: 13.6 kg (30 lb)
- Well Diameter: 6.1 cm (2.4 in.)
- Well Depth: 25.3 cm (10.0 in.)
- Cable Length1: 3.7 m (12 ft)
- Power1: 1.8 m (6 ft)
- Printer: 1.8 m (6 ft)
Ionization Chamber
- Type: Thin wall, deep well, high pressure
- Fill Gas: 12 atm Ultra-Pure Argon
Measurement Range
- Type: Auto Ranging
- Activity: 250 GBq (6 Ci), max.
- Resolution: .001 MBq (.01 μCi), max.
Display Screen
- Type: 8 in. VGA LCD color touch screen display
- Format: Direct reading in Bq or Ci
- Bq/Ci Reading: User selectable or fixed
- Values Displayed: Nuclide name (Atomic symbol, Mass number), calibration number
- Accuracy: Better than ± 2%
- Linearity: Within ± 2%
- Response Time: Within 2 sec, 4 to 16 sec for very low activity samples
Repeatability of Measurement
- Within ± 1% within 24 hours during which time the calibrator is continuously in operation
- Diagnostics: Full test of program, system memories
- Daily: Auto Zero, Auto Background Adjust, Data Check, Accuracy and
Constancy, Voltage Test
- Enhanced: Linearity, Geometry, Strip QC
Nuclear Data
- Nuclide Keys: 28 programmable keys
- System Memory: Over 80 nuclides (cal number and half-life)
Standard Source Data
- System Memory: Co-57, Co-60, Ba-133, Cs-137 standard sources
Molybdenum-99 Assay
- Methods: CapMac and canisters
- Measured Values: Mo-99 elution, Tc-99m, Tc-99m/Mo-99 Ratio
PC Port
- Interface: RS-232 and USB
- Compatibility: Standard Nuclear Medicine Management Systems
Printer (Optional)
- Interface: RS-232 and USB
- Type: Epson Roll, Epson Slip or Okidata full size dot matrix
- Printing Options: Full size test reports. Measured results on tickets
Power Requirements
- 100-240 V ac (50/60 Hz) 90 MA
Ordering Information
Item #5130-3234: CRC-55tR Dose Calibrator
Item #7300-2450: Environmental Shield
Item #5430-0058: Epson Roll Printer
Item #5430-0100: Epson Ticket Printer
Item #7120-1199: CRP-200 Dose Tickets & Labels
Item #5130-2046: CAP-MAC-S® Molly Assay Canister for Syringes
Item #5130-0006: Molly Assay Canister
Item #7300-2005: Dipper
Item #7300-2004: Chamber Well Insert